My September 11, 2001 started out like anybody else's normal Tuesday. I dropped the kids off at daycare and headed into work. My car was having issues (was a POS), and I had an appointment at the dealership for 9:00. I was in my car, listening to Lex & Terry when they started talking about a small plane that had hit the WTC. I was at a stop light, about to turn in to the dealership, when Lex announced that a jet had hit the other tower. He stated right then that we had been attacked and were at war. I was literally shaking all over as I pulled in and got out of my car. The service guy had heard, but went about doing his job.
I went inside and saw the plane hit, over and over again on the news. I had called my boss to let her know about what had happened. I think they had made an announcement at work, because everyone already knew. I called my Mom. She had just turned off the TV before the first plane had hit. Eventually, I was taken back to my job by the dealer's van.
We listened to the radio all day. The IT department had turned their TVs and monitors to the news so anyone passing through the lobby could see what was going on. I believe I was at my desk when the Towers collapsed. The whole building was quiet that day, which was unusual for us. Lunch was brought back to our desks rather than eating in the cafe so we could listen to the news.
I managed to get my car back before the end of the day so I could take my checks to the mailroom in a different building, then I got to leave. Listened to the radio on the way to pick up the kids from daycare. The Girl watched it all day in Kindergarten and the TVs were also on the news at the daycare. Needless to say, all three of my monsters got big hugs when I saw them. The Girl had been crying, the Boys were quiet and stunned. (What do you expect from an almost 6 year old, a 4 year old and a 3 year old?)
When we got home to my parents' house, we hugged Mom and Dad. We went to watch TV and I turned on the news. After about 2 minutes, I couldn't handle any more and turned to either Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. The kids and I snuggled on the couch until dinner time vegging out.
After dinner, the monsters were given many huggles and kisses from their mommabear. I went back to the TV and went back to the news, with the volume way low so the kids couldn't hear it. I was up late, tossed and turned all night, barely sleeping. When I did sleep, I had nightmares.
That was my 9/11/01.