Monday, September 16, 2013


Why must I be the one who takes care of others all the time?  Why must I be the emotional healer for others? Why am I always the strong one?  When is it my turn to be taken care of? When is it my turn to be happy? When is it my turn to not have to worry about everyone else, including people I no longer talk to?

I want my turn dammit!


Why must I be the one who takes care of others all the time?  Why must I be the emotional healer for others? Why am I always the strong one?  When is it my turn to be taken care of? When is it my turn to be happy? When is it my turn to not have to worry about everyone else, including people I no longer talk to?

I want my turn dammit!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It is crazy to think how things can go in a complete 360 degree circle in a person's life.  To think that on this day, May 27th, 2012, I was trying to watch the weather as Tropical Storm Beryl hit my city.  Someone I didn't know earlier in the day, I started talking to and helped them through a difficult situation.  We became fast friends and talked almost every day after that.  We even met. And that's the day this person decided to start disrespecting me.  We continued to talk frequently, but our friendship had changed on their part and they wouldn't explain why or what had happened.  Finally, in January, came the straw that broke the camel's back on our friendship.  I had previously needed to talk to this friend about other issues, but they ignored my needs and theirs always came before mine.

In January, I found out that my sister had cancer.  I was upset and needed to talk.  Was my friend there for me?  No.  They were busy with other things, as usual.  It never mattered that I put aside things in my life to be there for them.  I saw that they were busy live-Tweeting a TV show and updating their Facebook status, but talking to me about my sister's cancer, nope.  The other things were more important to them, apparently.  I had had enough.  I was tired of being disrespected, ignored, treated to other friends like I didn't actually exist or had helped this person through their rough time.  I wrote my "friend" an email and explained my feelings and why I needed to walk away.  Friendship is a two-way street and this friend was rarely there for me.  I walked away, but let this person know that if they ever needed me, I would be there for them.  Their response was to unfollow me on Twitter and block me on Facebook and probably even bad-mouth me to other mutual friends, who decided that my side of the story was not worth asking me about.  These fair-weather friends now pretend I don't exist on Twitter.

So, I'm back to where I was a year ago.  I don't talk to any of these people any more, and they obviously don't have minds of their own to even care.  I would have liked to inform my "friend" that my sister's cancer was pre-stage 1 and that they got all of it.  I would have also liked to have had my "friend" there to talk to after my favorite uncle's sudden passing 2 weeks later.

*Sigh*  I guess I'm better off without all the stress of wondering what would happen with that "friend", but some days, it doesn't feel like it, even through all the disrespect that they showed me.  Guess they were right when they told me early on that they were an asshole.  I don't need that in my life and that's why I walked away.